Although a natural process, the ripening of an avocado is managed to perfection at Halls with the correct technical understanding both at harvest and during the ripening procedure.
The fruit is always shipped at low temperatures to hold it in a "sleeping" state throughout transportation. Depending on the customer's requirement, the fruit is then "woken up" to be delivered at the required stage of ripeness. Fruit can arrived "triggered" which then ripens through the customer's own supply chain, or is fully ripened and ready to eat. Halls has the experience and technical expertise to manage this process, ensuring an excellent eating experience.
With ripening, packing and storage facilities in South Africa, Paris, Marseille and Rotterdam, Halls can take the fruit from our carefully managed orchards all the way to our customers' doors. Our ready to eat avocados are sold under the Halls RIPE brand, packaged in a striking design to stand out on trade and supermarket shelves.

Global Leader in the Sustainable Production and Supply of Quality Fresh Produce
In 2017, Halls established the first nursery base in a joint venture with South Africa's Du Roi Company. The world-class avocado nursery supplies Halls and its grower partners with quality saplings.
Halls is a grower and has six farms in South Africa in the provinces of Mpumalanga and Limpopo. Conscious farming practices impact the quality of our products in all the right ways.
We carefully select our global grower partners. Our grower partners have similar values to us and practice sustainable farming methods.
Communication, coordination and commitment - we track and manage all our products. 100% traceable. 365 days a year. Only the best.
We receive, grade, pack and refrigerate fruits from Halls farms and grower partners. Halls has two packaging warehouses in Nelspruit and Tzaneen, South Africa.
Halls was the first company to introduce avocado ripening technology. Our ripening centres are in South Africa, the Netherlands, Spain and China.

Halls guarantees a simple and effective route for all products from packaging to destination. Including automobile transportation, airfreight and shipment.